Employee Appreciation 101

A Guide to Employee Appreciation

Studies show that employees want to feel valued and when they do, they tend to be more productive and are 60% more likely to stick around. When team members have greater job satisfaction and higher morale, it’s a win-win for everyone!

While increases in pay, promotions, bonuses or more time off are standard ways of showing employees they are valued, it’s important to remember that the day-to-day gestures of appreciation are vital to maintaining high morale and low turn-over.

Try these simple ideas that successful companies have adopted to show their employees how valuable they are to the team:

Employee of the Month
Everyone enjoys being recognized for a job well done. There are now elegant trophies—not like the ones you got for “Most Improved Baton Twirler”—that can be customized and ordered online for as little as $50. The kind of goodwill and pride employees feel when they earn this award has a huge impact, and it is worth the investment.

Upgrade That Coffee!
Does your company supply coffee for the staff? Do a survey and find out what type of coffee they like. Don’t assume that Columbian coffee is everyone’s favorite. If you have a company that supplies your coffee, ask for a sample pack of various types and have a committee select their favorite, or even better, see if your coffee supplier has a variety of options available for multiple carafes. Don’t forget the hot chocolate and tea-lovers! Get a supplier that also handles these options, so everyone is happy!

Peer Recognition 
Your employees notice when someone goes the extra mile or puts in the effort to help another team member or customer. Create recognition slips for your staff to submit and have your HR professional select the highlighted entry for the week. Make sure to acknowledge each person for going above and beyond in the weekly internal newsletter or on the internal notice board.

DJ for a Day
Many companies enjoy listening to music during the workday. For most organizations, one person selects the station. Now with streaming services and Bluetooth technology, you can choose a DJ for the day and have them select their favorite playlist from an approved genre. Heavy metal may not go over well with other employees or customers!

Birthdays Rule!
With a large staff, celebrating individual birthdays can become a daily event. Instead, select one day a month and bring a few large sheet cakes and some gluten-free cupcakes. Everyone has something to look forward to on the chosen day: First Mondays are a popular option!

Bagels and Schmeer
Bagels and cream cheese: This classic favorite is hard to resist! Your local deli or larger grocery store will have a variety of flavors to choose from—including gluten-free—and buying fresh fruit (strawberries, yum!) keep low-carb lovers happy. Start your week with this delightful treat and you are set for success.

What’s with the Pizza?
Pizza doesn’t need a reason to exist. It just does, and people love it. Buying pizza for the staff “just because” tells employees that they are amazing and that you are thinking about them. Just remember to get at least one veggie and one cheese-only option.

Ice Cream Social
This one has to be planned carefully because, you know, ice cream melts! A lunchtime banana split social hour is a fun activity on a hot summer day. Create a “make-your-own-sundae” station and take photos of the most creative concoction!

A Creative Twist
When handing out prizes or awards, think outside the gift card. Try something like air plants or succulents, or trendy office supplies. Succulents are now available everywhere from Target to Walmart or Safeway. These plants require very little care and can add life and color to any desk. Place the succulent in a clear glass container with some rocks and a company logo, and you are good to go! Colorful or creative office supplies are also a fun option, and they are readily available at all price points.

Lunch Bunch
Taking a group to lunch is an excellent way for employees to feel heard, acknowledged and essential to the company mission. Take the time to talk about recent changes in the office and get some feedback on what they think can be done to make the employee experience even better.

“I’ve Got an Idea!”
Employee suggestion boxes used to be very common in offices. Employees that can see their ideas have been implemented feel engaged and heard. Be sure to acknowledge the individual and even ask them for more input when the plan is ready to be put into place.

The Good Stuff
Get company logos to put on mouse pads, coffee mugs, pens, and hats for employees and customers. Research to find out what employees and customers will appreciate and use, not just what you can find on the cheap.

Take a Break
Investing in your company breakroom tells employees that you value all of their time, not just when they are on the clock. Adding a puzzle table, magazines, and a cable TV so that staff can stay up-to-date with game scores or who is getting kicked off the latest reality TV show is an easy way to improve morale. Unless, of course, their team loses or their favorite The Voice contestant was voted off. Sadly, there is only so much that can be done here.

Start a Company Newsletter
A weekly, monthly or bi-monthly newsletter is the perfect place to acknowledge staff events, anniversaries, an employee of the week, month, etc. Use it to communicate the company vision and goals. A team that understands the vision and mission of the work will develop a significant connection and is more likely to represent the company in a positive way.

Take a Seat
Inspect the chairs your employees are sitting in. Giving an employee a brand-new office chair provides not only a boost to their morale, but a new chair keeps them comfortable throughout the day.

Is the Room Restful? 
Inspect the restroom. Does it need new paint? Do the fixtures need replacing? Is there a place to hang a coat or purse? Add a small cabinet for supplies and dress the area up. A classy water closet tells your staff that you mean business when they need to do their business. A side but important note: make sure you keep your restrooms clean and stocked with supplies. This is not always easy, but it is essential for morale and hygiene.

Not Everyone Smokes…
But some employees still do. Do you have a smoking area? If so, what can you do to let your small population of smokers know that you care about them as well? If there is space away from entryways, provide a covered area with a table, chairs and a large ashtray. A 10×10 gazebo can be purchased for less than $100 and offers employees a space to enjoy their break. And, a side, but important note: Educate your team about free smoking cessation programs. You care about their health, too.

Start the Newbies Off Right
Put a welcome bag together for your new employees. Give them a company t-shirt, a pen, hat and general swag. If possible, add a personalized signed greeting card or an email directly from each member of leadership. New hires will feel like part of the team from Day One.

Refresh the Desk
Look at the office supplies employees most often use. Is that keyboard looking a little worn? Is their mouse pad curling up at the corner? How old is that clipboard? Do their pens work? Replacing or upgrading office supplies adds sparkle to employee desks, and to their day.

Celebrate All the Days
Did you know that May 15th is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day? July 4th gets a lot of attention but what about the whopper food day, July 3rd? It’s National Fried Clam Day, National Eat Your Beans Day and National Chocolate Wafer Day. There are websites dedicated to when to celebrate just about anything. Be random and share the cheeseburgers on National Cheeseburger Day, or the Tofurkeys, the chocolate covered grasshoppers, the Twizzlers…the list DOES go on.

We hope these ideas inspire your organization to be creative and to let your staff know they are important and appreciated. When employees feel valued, they want to stick around and contribute. Have fun with this and watch your company employee retention and morale improve.

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