Missed Calls Are Dollars Lost: Can An Answering Service Help?

It’s a wonderful feeling as the owner of a small business to hear the phone ringing frequently. Those rings mean you and your employees are going to be out on calls more frequently.

Those rings mean dollars. It’s a beautiful sound.

And when the phone is ringing so much that you and your staff can’t keep up? Well, that’s a good problem to have, right?

Yes, but it’s still a problem. A serious problem.

Those missed connections are dollars walking out of your wallet into the hands of your competition. You are losing money every time your phone rings and nobody answers, they are sent to voicemail, or they come to your website and there’s no means of getting an immediate response.

This is doubly true in industries where your customers are less inclined to exercise patience, even if they truly would prefer to do business with you:

  • If you own a plumbing service and you don’t answer that call, do you really expect for your potential customer to wait until tomorrow to fix their burst pipe emergency?
  • If someone calls your pest control company when they find a shocking infestation, what do you think they are going to do when their call to you goes to voicemail?
  • If my air conditioner breaks in July and I call my normal HVAC tech and I get a robotic, impersonal phone tree, I’m taking my business to the other guy.

No matter your industry, in today’s hyper-connected world, your customers are going to demand 24/7 availability.  And if growing your business and outdoing the competition is important to you, then you are going to need to find a solution to the ‘problem’ of your company’s phone ringing off the hook at all hours.

Fortunately, the solution is pretty simple and straightforward, a professional call answering service that specializes in handling calls from a business of your type. With the right virtual receptionist, expertly trained to handle your specific customer segment, you can make a powerful first impression on customers no matter what time they call, or how high your call volume may be.

Here are some additional reasons why an answering service for small businesses is an investment that provides immediate and consistent return on investment:

Answering Services Are Less Costly Than Hiring In-House

Hiring a full-time receptionist can be a costly endeavor, especially when you factor in training, office space considerations and the costs of benefits. With the top virtual receptionist services for small business like Securus Contact Systems, you can instantly reap the benefits of having professional customer service teams handling your calls. And you are only paying for the service when the phone is ringing!

Specialty Virtual Receptionists Are Fast and Efficient

Expertly trained business call center professionals are able to gather information and initiate next steps faster than your typical receptionist. And Securus Contact Systems provides you the ability to handle multiple calls at once, since you will have an entire team of specialized virtual receptionist at your disposal. These teams are masters at swiftly exchanging crucial information to the appropriate person within your company, while making the customer feel like they are important.

Business Call Answering Services Provide Unmatched Customer Service

Securus Contact Systems is in the business of customer service. It’s what we do and what we sell to our clients. We are proud that our business call center representatives receive thorough and continuing training on customer service best practices. This way, we are able to consistently guarantee the highest quality customer service available.

Overnight Answering Services Extend Your Business Hours

Give yourself some interruption-free family-time during the hours when your business is closed, while also not closing yourself off to potential customers who may call in the evening or on holidays. With a 24/7 customer service team, your customers will be greeted and assisted regardless of the day or time.

Virtual 24/7 Customer Service Reps Make You Money

Every call your company gets is an opportunity to earn revenue. Each missed call is money walking out the door. A live telephone answering service protects your business from this lost revenue and will pay for itself and then some in very short order.

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