Securus Contact Systems specializes in partnering with HVAC contractors to help them grow their business without enduring the hassle of hiring and training new employees. Our team of live receptionists are specially trained to provide 24-7 access for HVAC providers.

Our professional operators understand the HVAC industry and your customers’ needs and operate as an extension of your business. Calls are answered promptly and with the utmost care, and then calls are dispatched based on your detailed instructions. 

Don’t Let Missed Calls Become Lost Revenue For Your HVAC Business

When your customers need HVAC services, they are going to go with the company that can quickly respond to their crisis. If you fail to answer when they call, one of your competitors is going to end up with the business. After-hours calls comprise almost 40% of all HVAC service inquiries, so if you aren’t equipped to handle calls 24/7, you are throwing money away! 

By utilizing Securus Contact Systems’ specialized HVAC Live Receptionist service, you will be ensuring that a professional operator will always be available to field your calls and take the appropriate action. Your customers will feel secure with the prompt and personal customer service our teams will provide. 

And best of all, you will get all the business your company deserves! At the end of the day Securus Contact Systems is here to help you grow your company’s revenue! 

Securus Contact Systems’ Live Receptionist service provides many solutions to a growing HVAC company’s needs:

  • Dispatch emergency calls to the provided employee list.
  • Take messages.
  • Answer general questions.
  • Schedule appointments.
  • Capture leads.
  • Manage overflow calls during business times.
  • Provide after-hours call answering.

Appointment Setting

There’s no reason you have to take time to make your own appointments — that’s something you can let your receptionist service handle. Their software will easily interface with yours, making it possible for you both to schedule appointments at the same time without creating a double booking.

Handling common questions

Certain questions pop up on a regular basis, whether those are customers calling about warranty claims or simply wondering how often to change their filters. If you arm your receptionist service with common questions and the answers you want them to give your callers, they may be able to handle these scenarios for you. 

After-hours callers

You probably get a fair amount of after hours calls, mostly for things that can wait until the next day. Luckily, your after-hours receptionist service can pick up those calls and weed out the casual inquiries from the serious emergencies, giving you your evenings back. The callers that can wait will have a chance to explain what they need and your receptionist service will create a caller log that will help you prioritize call backs in the morning. 

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